Otherwise it is relatively clean and non-intrusive, album disc is in pink (pink-orange, depends on the light), a bonus disc in plain black with word BAUDELAIRE in braille letters.
As discussed in many forums, a photo booklet contains only Ville Valo photo and as he pointed, the credit informs about producer, but members or Ville are not mentioned. Just under braille letters is written "AC (screamworks acoustic) by Valo". It provoked a number of discussions, but I personally have to agree with Ville, if music catch you, everything you want to know, you can simply google.
I have not examined whether there are differences between the booklets of one-disc, two-disc and heartagram album version with Saint Scream ... but I suppose that information about "2rabbits Studios Screenprint" lacks the classic versions. For those who do not own this excellent album, there are published several pictures and reviews of Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice and also Baudelaire In Braille.

Inak je pomerne čistý a nerušivý, disk albumu je v ružovom prevedení (ružovo oranžovom, závisí od svetla), bonusový disk v jednoduchom čiernom so slovom BAUDELAIRE v brailovom písme.
Ako už bolo na mnohých fórach rozoberané, booklet obsahuje jedine fotku Ville Vala a ako on sám poukázal, credit informuje len o producentovi, o samotných členoch a ani o Ville zmienka nie je. Len bonusový disk má pod brailovými znakmi uvedené "SW AC (screamworks acoustic) by Valo". Vyvolalo to množstvo diskusií, ja osobne musím súhlasiť s Ville, že pokiaľ hudba zaujme, všetko čo chcete vedieť si jednoducho vygooglite.
Nemám preskúmané či existujú odlišnosti medzi bookletom jednodiskového, dvojdiskového a heartagram verzie albumu so Saint Scream...no predpokladám, že informácia o "Screenprint by 2rabbits studios" chýba na klasických verziách. Pre tých čo tento výborný album nevlastnia publikujem niekoľko fotografií a linky na recenzie Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice ako aj Baudelaire In Braille.
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