
More Saint Scream Screamworks prints

Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to inform you properly about news...
First one is for collectors.
Two rabbits studios, the one which made all those beautiful prints of Saint Scream, published or better say offer for sale some prints.
And not some junk! You can (still) buy "cream of the crop". All signed/numbered and labeled with a PP (Printer Proof). But they offer only 40 and the stock is almost out... More at Two Rabbits webpage.

Bohužiaľ som v poslednú dobu nemala čas vás poriadne informovať o novinkách...
Prvá sa týka zberateľov.
Two rabbits štúdio, to ktoré vytvorilo všetky tie prekrásne Saint Scream obrazy, uverejnilo, lepšie povedané ponúklo na predaj pár výtlačkov. Konkrétne 40. A nie hocijakých, ale ako ich sami prezentujú, "čerešničku na šľahačke" (toto je strašne zvláštne slovné spojenie :).Všetky sú očíslované, podpísané a opatrené pečiatkou PP. Viac nájdete na ich stránke. Ale pozor, sklad je takmer vyčerpaný...

Source/zdroj: Two Rabbits Studios


Warner and HIM part ways

What a great news waiting for me as I come back home after some time out of reach. Finally it is official. Him and Warner part ways. Well said. The announcement published at heartagram.com is bellow, translation as well.

HIM part ways with Sire/Warner Music

After 6 years and three albums, Finnish rock band HIM and Sire/Warner Music have decided to part ways.

Seymour Stein, founder of Sire Records says: "It was a pleasure working with HIM, and we're very proud to have been their partners for the last six years. Ville is a rare talent, and my relationship with their manager Seppo dates back to the days when he pioneered rock music in Finland looking after the career of Hanoi Rocks. HIM are particularly important because they are the first and only band from Finland to reach Gold status in America. I, along with the entire Sire/Warner Bros. family, wish them continued success in the future."

HIM's discography on Sire includes the 2005 album Dark Light, which reached gold in the US. Follow-up albums Venus Doom (2007) and Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice (2010) charted both in the US and Europe.

"We're ever so grateful for having had Seymour and Co as the generous hosts on our extended first stay in the New Country. It's been a Blast Royale but now it's time to clean up the rubble and start anew", comments Ville Valo of HIM.

HIM sa rozchádzajú s Sire/Warner Music

Po 6 rokoch a troch albumov fínska rocková kapela HIM a Sie/Warner Music sa rozhodli ísť rozdielnou cestou.

Seymour Stein, zakladateľ Sire Records, povedal: "Bolo potešením pracovať s HIM a sme hrdí, že sme boli ich partnermi posledných šesť rokov. Ville je ojedinelý talent a môj vzťah s ich manažérom Seppom sa datuje do obdobia, kedy sa len rozmáhala rocková scéna vo Fínsku a on dozeral nad kariérou Hanoi Rocks. HIM sú obzvlášť dôležití, pretože ako prvá kapela z Fínska dosiahli v Amerike zlato. Ja, spolu s celým Sire/Warner Bros., im želáme v budúcnosti úspech."

Diskografia HIM v Sire zahrňuje album Dark Light z 2005, ktorý dosiahol zlato v predajnosti v US. Nasledujúce albumy Venus Doom (2007) a Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice (2010) bodovali v rebríčkoch v US a aj v Európe.

"Sme stále vďační Seymourovi & co. za veľkorysú pomoc pri našich začiatkoch v novej krajine. Bolo to skvelé ale teraz je čas poupratovať a začať odznova." komentoval Ville Valo.

Source/zdroj: heartagram.com


Interview with Juska for HIM Brasil

HIM promo photo with exmember Juska SalminenAs a "tasting" for tomorrow's night, here's a translation of Juska Salminen interview for HIM Brasil.
The original English interview you can find at their website, the Slovak translation is below.

Ako "ochutnávka" pre zajtrajší večer, preklad rozhovoru s Juska Salminen...

Aké sú tvoje hudobné vzory?
Vždy som miloval Faith No More. Myslím, že to bola prvá kapela, ktorá mala na mňa naozaj obrovský vplyv. Pred Faith No More som zvykol počúvať elektronickú hudbu, obľúbené som mal The Prodigy. Vlastne, až tesne predtým, ako som sa pripojil k HIM, som sa dostával do kontaktu s metalovou hudbou. Ako Paradise Lost a Type O Negative. Bol som ohromený prvým albumom HIM, v čase keď vyšiel to bol jeden z mojich najobľúbenejších albumov.

Ako si sa dostal k príležitosti hrať s HIM?
Ako spraviť dlhý príbeh krátkym? Ako už bolo spomenuté, páčil sa mi prvý album, mohol by som povedať, že som bol veľký fanúšik. Bol som na niekoľkých koncert aby som videl akí sú naživo. Cez spoločného priateľa som sa spoznal s Pätkä, bubeníkom HIM v tom období. Nakoniec aj s celou kapelou. V tej dobe som začal hrať v Mary-Ann, pôvodná formácia To/Die/For. Približne v tom istom čase z HIM odišiel klávesák. Raz po koncerte v Kouvola (čo je moja rodné mesto), sa ma Ville opýtal, či by som sa chcel k nim pripojiť pre nadchádzajúce turné po Nemecku. Bolo to šokujúce, samozrejme, v dobrom zmysle. Skoro ako príbeh o Popoluške :)


HIM night with Juska Salminen

Just as a reminder for all those who have the opportunity to come to Bratislava, HIM night with Juska Salminen, previous keyboard player of HIM, already this Friday!

Few words from Juska: "Approximately 10 years ago I quit playing in the band that had a huge impact to my life. Bit more then 3 months ago Juraj contacted me to ask if I would be willing to come to play as a DJ in a party. It gives me a great feeling to know that those songs that changed my life are still affecting people. The best thing i...n making music is to have that chance to create feelings. Outside playing and performing the best part was and is to meet new people. Now I've been given that chance again. Hope to see you all next month and let's have a great party!!!"

Ako pripomienka pre všetkých tých, čo majú možnosť prísť do Bratislavy, HIM noc s Juskom Salminenom, bývalým klávesákom HIM, bude už tento piatok!