
For those who were patient enough, now is your time...

Pre tých čo boli dostatočne trpezliví, teraz je váš čas...


and some responses /niekoľko reakcií

"Your new Album is perfect!
Thank you for this awsome music! =)" Lukas Feb 6 2010 8:33 AM

"Nový album je perfektný!
Vďaka za túto skvelú hudbu! =)"

"I'am so sorry for having my doubts about this album but i gotta say and you guys make me eat my words thank you ville, linde, gas, burton and mige for making such a wonderful album" Miryam Feb 6 2010 8:18 AM

"Je mi ľúto že som o tomto albume mala pochybnosti ale donútili ste ma vziať moje slová späť, vďaka Ville, Linde, Gas, Buron a Mige za prekrásny album"

"Uhm....Well. You're new album is a disappointment, if I might be so brash. Heartkiller is a pretty good song, but the rest I'm really iffy on. Of course, I shouldn't judge just yet sense I've only listened to a bit over half of the songs before I got annoyed with how mainstream it sounded.....Many bands tend to be sounding more mainstream anymore....I don't know, may be that's the way you guys want to head, but it's just really weird......Change can always happen and it's not bad, but....Yeah. I just don't really like it. I'll listen to the songs more and let you guys know if I change my mind. May be the songs will grow on me. Who knows?" Mushi Mu Feb 6 2010 7:56 AM

"Uhm....nuž. Vás nový album je sklamaním, ak môžem byť tak úprimná. Heartkiller je celkom dobrá pieseň, ale zvyšok je taký o ničom. Samozrejme nemala by som ešte súdiť, vypočula som si len niečo viac ako polovicu pokým som ma neznechutilo ako všedne to znie....Veľa skupín má tendenciu znieť tak.... neviem, možno je to cesta ktorou sa chcete uberať ale je to divné.....zmeniť sa ale môže všetko a nieje to zlé, len....nepáči sa mi to. Vypočujem si tie skladby ešte a dám vám vedieť či som zmenila názor. Možno sa mi niektoré dostanú pod kožu, ktovie"

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