onnellista uutta vuotta 2010 !!!
"On 19 December 2009 Metal Hammer will have printed 200 issues! To celebrate more than 20 years in metal we have selected a few of our favourites – 50 actually – and invite you to vote for your favourite. Have a look through the covers and head to the homepage where you can vote in the poll (bottom right) – and the winning cover will be announced in the magazine!"
Kerrang! posted news that HIM frontman Ville Valo is working on a track for next Tim Burton's (The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd) big screen adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, which is also set for release next year.
Kerrang! uverejnil informáciu že frontman skupiny HIM Ville Valo pracuje na skladbe pre ďalší film Tima Burtona - adaptáciu Alica v krajine zázrakov, ktorého premiéra je taktiež plánovaná na budúci rok.
source Kerrang!
btw, táto informácia originálne pochádza z interview EuroRock Radio