"I’ve just been working, no time in pubs honest," Ville said recently. "I've had no time to do anything besides this album. I’m not shitting you because I was on a personal mission to find out how much energy you can put into an album before you break. I didn’t break, but I was on the verge of it more than once. It was important to really live with the ideas rather than just going with the flow as we have in the past. The result is, I hope, something that will shake peoples’ asses."
Ville Valo for Rock Sound Magazine
"Úprimne, len som pracoval, ani v krčme som čas netrávil" vyjadril sa nedávno Ville. "Nemal som čas na nič okrem práce na albume. Nerobím si z teba prdel, bol som na osobnej misii zistiť koľko energie môžeš vložiť do albumu pred skolabovaním. Neskolaboval som ale niekoľko krát som bol na pokraji. Bolo skutočne dôležité žiť s nápadmi (inšpiráciou) ako len nechať sa unášať prúdom ako sme to robili v minulosti. Výsledok je, verím tomu, niečo čo ľudmi 'otrasie'."
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