
Celtic Angel talked to Jussi69

... and they mentioned Ville Valo

CA: Was Ville at your show? Cause I know he is in LA.

Jussi: Ville Valo? He wasn´t there. I didn´t actually talked to him while I was there. He´s been busy with recording and ... we were actually in LA couple of months back at the same time... texting for like two weeks we´re in town and we´re going see each other...

The whole interview with 69eyes frontman is available for downloading at euro-rockradio page

CA: Bol Ville na vašej show? Viem že je v LA.

Jussi: Ville Valo? Nebol. V skutočnosti som s ním ani nehovoril počas doby čo som tam bol. Je zaneprázdnený nahrávaním a... pár mesiacov dozadu sme boli v LA v tom istom čase... písali si asi tak dva týždne že sme v meste a že sa stretneme...

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