Našla som len dve zmienky v Kamaráte - plagát a v Brave, čo sú časáky pre adolescentov... Krátke info týkajúce sa HIM bolo v SPARK, ale aj to len dezinformácia, že HIM vystúpia na festivale Benátska Noc.
I made research in slovak and czech newspapers and magazines. What was the outcome? Close to zero!
Only two references I found were in "Kamarát" - poster, and "Bravo" (cz), what are magazines for teens readers... Small info related to HIM was in "SPARK", but it was just disinformation that HIM will perform at festival Benátska Noc.
The translation of that small info is here:
The wind from Finland
The band, which at the moment consist of Ville Valo, Migé Amour, Linde Lazer, Emerson Burton a Gas Lipstick, is back! Few days ago was released their seventh studio album in row, Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice, from which you can, thanks radio, know great pilot single Heartkiller! Guys are taking their comeback serious, right after new album released they are preparing for world tour, starts in Australia and US. All information about band you can find at theirs official web pages (HIM SK/CZ street team already notified Bravo about their mistake)
a prosímta ten plagat bol v kamarátovi z tohto mesiaca celkom rada by som si ho kupila
áno, v tohto mesačnom
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