
Varjostaa symbol Henneagram

I was playing with some symbols and as a tribute to Heartagram, HIM official symbol, I came up with attached picture of Heartenneagram (or called by me Henneagram :)
So up today, this is my official Varjostaa signature :)
It is combination of enneagram and heartagram

enneagram plus heartagram means henneagram
Bavila som sa spájaním sybolov a ako poctu Heartagramu, oficiálneho HIM symbolu som prišla na pripojený obrázok Heartenneagramu (alebo mňou volaný Henneagram :)
Takže dnešným dňom sa stáva oficiálnym Varjostaa podpisom :)
Je to kombinácia enneagramu a heartagramu

Uptade: there is also idea using Varjostaagram :) need to some days to think which will be better, your opinion will be appreciate


oct3174 said...

That is a really cool design..very different! Maybe you could just call it jostagram..it's kind of a play on words, and is easier to say.

Varjostaa said...

sounds good :)