According to interview with finish singer Chisu at The Voice radio, Ville Valo is her fan... actually she said, she knows that he likes one her song.
You can listen to the whole interview
hereWell, I´m sure someone will translate more from that interview, with my bit of finish I´m able just catch some words and Ville´s name :)
Btw, here´s a
link if you want to see her video... pretty "poppy", but not as bad as it could be... probably that finish lyrics it makes interesting.
V rozhovore rádia The Voice s fínskou speváčkou Chisu spomenuli, že Ville Valo je jej fan... popravde, povedala, že vie že sa mu páčila jedna jej skladba.
Celý rozhovor si môžete vypočuť
Som si istá, že sa nájde niekto kto z toho rozhovoru preloží viac, ja s mojou fínčinou som tak akurát schopná zachytiť pár slov a Villeho meno :)