Here are two screenshots of new video making for single Heartkiller (published at heartagram.com)
Hard to say, how that video will look like from two pictures, at least we can be sure Ville is there half-naked.. would it be something as gone with the sin video? :) who knows (let me know too), we need to wait some time....
Then here is transcript from video in which is Ville speaking about Heartkiller (done by Realitydistortd from the Heartagram forums & HIMfected St Team, source Dark Light´s blog), translation below it.
Heartkiller was originally called “The Biblical Sense,” it was one of the songs we wrote – one of the last ones from the album but it came together from little bits and bobs we’ve being playing around for months and months, which never found their own place and under the banner of Heartkiller they found a home. And it could actually be the first single, so I don’t know.
Yeah, it’s just a direct song about, you know, letting your inner hermit go for a little bit and opening up the door for new possibilities and not being afraid of new things and thing that may hurt you. It just – walk into the scorching sun and just remembering to wear your shades. Reanimation is always a good symbolic value when it comes to being waken up from the dead by romance.
Chorus: “Sparks will fly beneath the luna alight/ Lazarus and frankensteins/ Babe, I’ll be a flatliner for a heartkiller/ Together we die above the lesser light", the lesser light being the moon, so it’s me saying we’re above the moon. It’s me trying to make Elvis Presley’s, "Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear", as complicated as possible, as always. It worked out that I’m always smiling when I’m singing that song, so in that sense, it worked out perfectly. And it’s also, lyrically, it’s kinda – it’s always interesting to myself that I do have the tendency of not having the courage to not being really direct. I was laughing at myself, finding myself in the same spot trying to say very simple things but again making them as complex as possible. The song is full of hope, and so is a lot of the album, and I guess that’s the difference with the last one we did, which was more doomy in its approach – I thought that all hope was lost but then again I accosted in the surprise that there may be a chance for a need to be more happy than in misery.
Heartkiller sa pôvodne volal “The Biblical Sense” , je to jedna z posledných skladieb čo sme napísali na tento album, ale vznikla z niekoľkých kúskov ktoré sme mesiace a mesiace dookola hrali, ale nikdy si nenašli vlastné miesto, až pod titulom Heartkiller si našli svoj domov. V skutočnosti by to mohol byť prvý singel, takže neviem.Je to priama skladba o tom, vieš, pustiť svojho "vnútorného červíka" trocha ďalej, otvoriť sa novým možnostiam, nebáť sa nových vecí, vecí ktoré by ťa mohli zraniť. Je to ako - vojsť do priameho slnka a pamätať na to vziať si svoje tmavé okuliare. Reanimácia má vždy dobrú symbolickú hodnotu keď príde na to prebudiť sa zo smrti pomocou lásky.
Refrén “Sparks will fly beneath the luna alight/ Lazarus and frankensteins/ Babe, I’ll be a flatliner for a heartkiller/ Together we die above the lesser light", menej svetla je svetlo mesiaca, takže som to ja hovoriaci že sme nad mesiacom. Snažil som sa napísať niečo ako "Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear" od Elvis Presley, ako vždy, čo najviac komplikovane. Vyšlo to, vždy sa usmievam pri spievaní tejto piesne, takže v tomto zmysle to vyšlo perfektne. A taktiež, lyricky, je pre mňa vždy zaujímavé sledovať sa ako nemám odvahu byť priamy. Smejem sa sám sebe, ocitám sa stále v situácii, že sa snažím povedať jednoduché veci ale zakaždým z nich spravím komplikované tak najviac ako je to možné. Táto pieseň je plná nádeje, tak ako aj väčšina albumu, a to je myslím najväčší rozdiel oproti nášmu predchádzajúcemu albumu, ktorý bol viac doomy vo svojom prístupe. Myslel som si že všetka nádej je stratená a potom opäť som sa prichytil pri tom že možno je niekde nádej chcieť viac, byť viac šťastný ako sa utápať v smútku.
uptade: here´s video :)
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