Už o jedenástej na obed prvé osoby v čiernom zaujímajú pozície v strede pred bariérami, v priebehu dvoch hodín ich počet podrastie o malé skupinky po celej dĺžke prvého radu. Fanatizmus? Proste snaha vydobyť a obhájiť si čo najlepšie miesto pred pódium. Počuť taliančinu, nemčinu, no iróniou je, že takmer celý prvý rad obsadili fanúšikovia zo Slovenska. Je vidieť, že HIM v týchto končinách už pár rokov nehrali, na Slovensku sa to číslo vyšplhalo na nekonečných 5 rokov. Slnko praží, tieň v tejto časti areálu ATV/Antenne Rock Bühne nie je takmer žiadny. Opretí o bariéry, chrbtom k pódiu znudene sledujeme vyčínanie rakúskych priaznivcov skupiny Die 3 Extremen. Tvrdší boj/ snaha o obhájenie pozícií nastala jedine pri skupine From dawn to fall kedy je fanúšikovia sa chceli silou mocou dostať dopredu. No pri zomknutej "obrane" čiernej armády veľmi podobnej obrane Paraguajského futbalového tímu v zápase s Novým Zélandom, nemali šancu.
O 22:30 a pár minút naviac (prekvapujúco skutočne len pár minút)to celé vypuklo. Set, ako už klasicky počas celého Screamworks turné, otvorila Like St. Valentine. Približne hodinový koncert, čo na festival nie je zlé, ale myslím, že všetci by sme ocenili viac. Skupina Wheatus mala v porovnaní s HIM setlist nekonečný. Oprava, oni vlastne ani setlist nemali, hrali po komunikácii s davom to čo si vyžiadali.
Ville a jeho bláboly:
Na margo komunikácie s publikom, Ville sa má v čom zlepšovať. Posledné roky mám pocit, akoby sa počas koncertu od poslucháčov vzďaľoval. Nie žeby nehovoril absolútne nič, jeho poznámky pomedzi pesničky sa vyskytli, ale zväčša bol otočený ku kapele alebo chrbtom. Vtieral sa mi pocit, že som sa ako nevítaný hosť ocitla na ich skúške v Helsinkách a utvrdzoval ho Ville pi*ujúci po Gasovi a vlastne celej kapele, že si nevšímajú jeho pokyny. Na jeho niekoľkominútové odchody z pódia a prenechanie priestoru na inštrumentálne vyžitie zvyšku osadenstva som si už zvykla, dokonca vítam možnosť sledovať Linde v jeho gitarovom majstrovstve.
Villeho spev, ako to bolo aj na Rock Am Ring, bol akoby prehlušený zvukom nástrojov. Jedine pri záverečnej Rebel Yell ho bolo skutočne počuť, a táto skladba sa stala vrcholom večera zaslúžene. Či to s nastavením mikrofónu bolo zámerné, neviem. Možno nejaké pretrvávajúce hlasové komplikácie? Alebo len zle nastavená technika? I keď čo sa techniky týka, nezlyhala ako sa to niekoľko krát stalo počas US turné. Crew predprípravu zvládla v prekvapujúco rýchlom čase.
Snáď si ho pamätám celý...
Like St. Valentine
Right Here In My Arms
Scared To Death
The Kiss Of Dawn
Wicked Game
Join Me
Bleed Well
Disarm Me With Your Loneliness
Bury Me Alive By Love
Poison Girl
Killing The Loneliness
Funeral Of Hearts
Rebel Yell
Ako sa aj v zákulisí znenazdania objavili pár minút pred vystúpením, tak rýchlo ich aj po koncerte zbalili. Žiadna hra na odchod - príchod sa nekonala. Keď svetlá potemneli, bolo to definitívne. Škoda. Po dobre naštartovanej Rebel Yell by si to skutočne žiadalo ešte aspoň dve skladby.
Ville v outfite bezdomovca, v dotrhanom tričku minimálne osem rokov starom, si priam žiadal darčeky počas koncertnej hry "traf svoj cieľ". Nanešťastie pre neho sa tak tentokrát nestalo. Aj keď nejaké darčeky boli.
Budú uverejnené hneď ako ich Marianna uploadne. Dajte dievčaťu čas chytiť dych :)

Already at eleven o'clock, the first persons dressed in black, started to occupy positions in the middle of the first row. Within next two hours the number was increased by small groups along the length of the barrier. Fanaticism? Only afford access and defend the best place in front of the stage. It was possible to catch Italian language and German of course, but irony is that almost entire first row was taken by fans from Slovakia. It's evident that HIM didn't play in these areas a few years, the number in Slovakia climbed to 5. Sun glare down, without shadows in the entire area of the ATV/Antenne Rock stage. Backs to stage, leaning over the barrier, bored watching exaggerating Austrian fans of Die 3 Estremen. Tougher fight/position's defend occurred only right before From dawn to fall act, the fans wanted to force the power to get ahead. But good welded "defense" of black army, similar to Paraguay football team defense in match with New Zealand, did not give them a chance.
At 22:30 and some extra minutes (surprisingly really few) it all started. As normal during Screamworks tour, the set was opened Like St. Valentine. Almost one hour long concert, not bad for festival, but I think we all would appreciated more. For example the setlist of band Wheatus compared to HIM was endless. Correction, actually they did not have setlist, they played what the crowd ask for.
Ville and his babble:
Regarding to communications with audience, there is something Ville should improve. Last years I have a feeling that he moved away from fans during the set. I can't tell he said nothing, some usual notes occurred between songs, but he was mostly facing guys or turn us back. I had the feeling of being an unwelcome guest at their rehearsal place back in Helsinki and Ville f*cking at Gas, the whole band indeed, that they're not following his instructions, made it not better. I'm used to his few-minutes-stage-leave, when he gives guys time for instrumental freak-out, I even welcome the opportunity to watch Linde at his guitar mastership.
As with the Rock Am Ring performance, Ville's singing was drown out with instruments. Only during the final song Rebel Yell I was actually able to hear him. This song worthily became highlight of the evening. Whether the setting of the microphone was on purpose, I do not know. Perhaps some persistent voice complications? Or just poorly set equipment? Although concerning the techniques, it didn't failed as it happened several times during US tour. Crew mastered the pre-treatment in quick time.
I hope I remembered it all...
Like St. Valentine
Right Here In My Arms
Scared To Death
The Kiss Of Dawn
Wicked Game
Join Me
Bleed Well
Disarm Me With Your Loneliness
Bury Me Alive By Love
Poison Girl
Killing The Loneliness
Funeral Of Hearts
Rebel Yell
As they arrived only few minutes before show at backstage, so quickly they were "packed" after it. No game of leaving and comming back. When the stage light darkened, it was definitive. Pitty. After so well performed Rebel Yell it was asking itself for more - at least two songs.
Ville with his outfit of homeless person, in torn t-shirt at least 8 years old is almost asking for gifts during the concert game "hit the target". Unfortunately for him, this did not happened this time.
Will be published as soon as Marianna uploads them. Give the girl some time to catch the breath :)
Photo: © 2010 Marianna M photoshooting.sk
suhlasim suhlasim..:) Az nato tricko...to vazne nekritizuj :) Ono je stare okolo 10 rokov a nosil ho napr. na Rock Im Park 2001, ked mal kabat Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell :) Pre mna osobne je to nadherna spomienka na nich :) Inak na ten koncert nemam ziadnu chvalu..den pred tym sme boli na Billy Idolovi a Kim Wilde a ti boli neskutocni.
Ok well I read your post and here is my opinion, because they are like assholes and we all have them..
Im from Australia HIM toured here with our Soundwave festival, in blistering heat and very very long days, not once did I hear or read any complaints from fans or organizers... They were in Sydney for 3 days straight.. They played at the festival on the sunday and belive me it was incredibly hot and the band were above and beyind professional and the crowd went off.
The next day they were at a record signing, they were only suppose to be there for a few hours, as it was they stayed for 5 hours, knowing they had a gig that night.. I got a hug and smile and a conversation with Valo and photos of all the band, I asked are they tired and they said "hell yeah" with a smile.. They are gentlemen and are very humble by the amount of fans that turned up..
That night they played AGAIN, and from all accounts the concert was AWESOME, Valo DIDN'T babble, they played what they knew WE would love and we did. So maybe you had a bad day, well boo hoo cause I know fans of HIM that will never get to see them, who will never get the chance to enjoy Valo's vocals live.. Think yourself lucky and stop complaining, true fans take the good with the bad. Be thankful the band still tours cause they don't really have to.
to Juraj: ja tričko nekritizujem, tiež som sa fajn pobavila keď som videla prvé fotky že ho ešte stále má. To že mi ale prišlo komické, že takmer celé turné mu aspoň jeden človek z obecenstva hodil ako darček tričko a zrovna v sobotu keď bol oblečený v dotrhanom, tak nikto nič :D
to anonymous:
well, read please that once again... Did I write I didn't enjoyed/loved/etc. the show? I wrote my opinion, we (not only me) were not able to hear Ville's singing, the sound of other instruments were so load, only during Rebel Yell it was perfect. That's just fact. If it was somewhere in back rows better, I don't know.
I just wrote my opinion but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate the possibility to see them live, it was well organized festival and great from HIM they came and play in this part of Europe.
mne sa tam velmi pacilo, sice je pravda, ze chvilami som villeho zle pocula,ale ine vyhrady nemam :) pred piatimi rokmi som na nich bola v BA a toto sa mi zdalo ovela lepsie, tu aspon nieco rozpraval a dobre som sa zasmiala na tom, jak si tam zacal cosi smiesne vyspevovat :D
I just wanted to say that you are not the only one to make those criticisms. My husband had exactly the complaints after both gigs he came to, and has said from now on I'm on my own.
So far I've seen HIM 3 times: at the regular gigs I could barely hear Ville over the rest of the band, the 2nd time wasn't so bad because I was right at the front and could hear him direct (i.e. not through the speakers - bit odd that), but still the sound balance was off. Fantastic performances and I loved every minute, but the tech side of things did let them down. At Download it was much better (which was a relief because my friend was only listening to them because of my fangirl gushing).
Everyone has good and bad days - I hope you catch them on a good one next time. At least then you won't be flamed for honest, constructive criticism.
@anonymous - Soundwave, I believe, was at the start of the tour. Perhaps you should bear in mind that after months of performing Ville's voice/throat/lungs would be tired if he was always competing with the instruments. Someone, I think in Metal Hammer, suggested he may be losing his voice.
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