Fotky z Donauinselfestivalu kde hrali HIM tento víkend nájdete na photoshooting.sk
for report from this concert go here
I love to see more Gas's photos as usually from some concert shooting. He is so hide far behind plexi-glass barrier, that to see him is almost impossible...
Som rada že môžem vidieť viac fotiek Gasa ako z bežného koncertného photoreportu. Je tak ďaleko ukrytý za plexisklovou bariérou, že je takmer nemôžné ho vidieť.

Photo: © 2010 Marianna Mihalkinova
jeej, vdaka za krasne fotky!!
asdartha (http://asdartha.livejournal.com/) has left a new comment on your post "HIM at Donauinselfest 2010 - report by Varjostaa":
I just wanted to say that you are not the only one to make those criticisms. My husband had exactly the complaints after both gigs he came to, and has said from now on I'm on my own.
So far I've seen HIM 3 times: at the regular gigs I could barely hear Ville over the rest of the band, the 2nd time wasn't so bad because I was right at the front and could hear him direct (i.e. not through the speakers - bit odd that), but still the sound balance was off. Fantastic performances and I loved every minute, but the tech side of things did let them down. At Download it was much better (which was a relief because my friend was only listening to them because of my fangirl gushing).
Everyone has good and bad days - I hope you catch them on a good one next time. At least then you won't be flamed for honest, constructive criticism.
@anonymous - Soundwave, I believe, was at the start of the tour. Perhaps you should bear in mind that after months of performing Ville's voice/throat/lungs would be tired if he was always competing with the instruments. Someone, I think in Metal Hammer, suggested he may be losing his voice.
Hey, asdartha,
sorry, something happened and your comment appears as Anonymous.
Thanks for your words :)
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