In new Kerrang! Magazine 25/11/2009 is interview with Ville Valo.
The scans you can find at Valo Daily, below is translation into slovak....
Dve metafory ku ktorým sa spevák a skladateľ skupiny HIM vracia počas rozprávania o novom albume Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice:Prvou je pocit objavenia svetla na konci tunela, ale len do chvíle uvedomenia si, že to svetlo patrí skôr približujúcemu sa vlaku a hroziacej záhube ako svetlu spasenia. Druhá je viac prozaická. Je o akceptovaní skutočnosti že žiť život znamená prebárať sa hovnom a čím skôr si na to človek zvykne, tým lepšie.
First singel from album Screamworks:Love in Theory And Practice will be Heart Killer !

.... and according to NME it will be released on February 1.
Metal Hammer wrote about this track following:
After an intro that sounds like it was put together on a Casio-keyboard, arena-sized guitars crash through the barricades. HIM are setting their stall out here, it’s the commercial know-how of Dark Light combined with the pace of Love Metal. There’s an epic building solo in the middle too, really impressive stuff.
For more from Screamworks track by track guide click here
Well, combination of Dark Light and Lovel Metal? Hmmm, it could be good sound... we will see, just to wait more than two months :-/ Who knows what our Ville prepared for us.. yeah, Metal Hammer at least (and some others...)
Prvým singlom z albumu Screamworks:Love in Theory And Practice bude Heart Killer, svetlo sveta v podobe singlu uzrie 1. februára. takže už len vydržať dva mesiace. Metal Hammer o tomto počine uviedol. že je to kombinácia Dark Light a Lovel Metal, takže je na čo sa tešiť :)
source: NME
Heart Killer,
Metal Hammer,
new album,
Ville Valo speaks about Screamworks for Metal Hammer
The debonair frontman explains how he felt like a ‘naked invisible man’ whilst making the band’s new album, ‘Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice’.
MH: In what way is this album the story of what’s happened to you since the last album?
Ville: “Actually this one is probably the most direct, diary-esque, in the sense that maybe through me fucking up a lot of my long term relationships in the past through excessive partying and just being a slob that I kind of lost faith when I stopped drinking, and I felt that there was no chance for a guy like me to find equilibrium or be at peace, or balance between those things. While starting to write for this album, I was on the verge of falling head over heels for a person. So I captured that moment on the album. Unfortunately I’m bad at saying it. I never really had the chance of telling her that. So she’ll hear the album a bit later and know how I felt then. It’s one way of doing it.”
MH: In what way is this album the story of what’s happened to you since the last album?
Ville: “Actually this one is probably the most direct, diary-esque, in the sense that maybe through me fucking up a lot of my long term relationships in the past through excessive partying and just being a slob that I kind of lost faith when I stopped drinking, and I felt that there was no chance for a guy like me to find equilibrium or be at peace, or balance between those things. While starting to write for this album, I was on the verge of falling head over heels for a person. So I captured that moment on the album. Unfortunately I’m bad at saying it. I never really had the chance of telling her that. So she’ll hear the album a bit later and know how I felt then. It’s one way of doing it.”
Metal Hammer,
Ville interview
Heartagram announce Screamworks international release dates
UK and France on February 8th
Japan on February 10th
Germany on February 12th
More dates soon to come
I hope that for Finland the date is still 5th of February:)
source: Heartagram
Japan on February 10th
Germany on February 12th
More dates soon to come
I hope that for Finland the date is still 5th of February:)
source: Heartagram
Christmas question mark solved

Heartagram online shop added another great items, t-shirt with new album cover and official 2010 18"x24" Wall Calendar Poster, with a brand new photo of HIM's lead singer Ville Valo.
Send link per email to your bf or parents, it will solve their problems with christmas shopping :)
I´ll do the same :)
Screamworks cover !!!!!

published pic of album cover - Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice
and announce that new HIM album will be released 9.2.10 in the US.
First I thought that the date is 2nd of September, but fortunately it is 9th of February :)
Nevermind, here are pictures of Screamworks album cover and Ville wearing t-shirt with that picture.
Source: Heartagram
Hyvää syntymäpäivää Ville!

Today, 22nd of November 2009 has our sweetest Ville Valo birthday. 33 years.
Ten years I´m listening to his music, ten years is HIM part of my life. Ville was 23 that time and today I´m feeling kind of nostalgia...
Ville, we wish you at least another ten years of great career, so that you will enriched our lives with your music. We wish you all the best, we wish you all your dreams come true.
You are part of our lives, part of our happiness, part of our world.
With love, your fans.
Btw, heartagram prepares for this day some special treats so check it out guys.
Screamworks out at 5th February ???
HeartagramTeam published at twitter that:
"A few shops are saying Screamworks will be released on Feb 5th. We're still waiting on solid confirmation from The Powers That Be. "
Hmmm, that would be sooo great! My birthday!! :)
"A few shops are saying Screamworks will be released on Feb 5th. We're still waiting on solid confirmation from The Powers That Be. "
Hmmm, that would be sooo great! My birthday!! :)
Ville Valo auction? Not a joke!

On twitter I found link to charitybuzz website where is currently running auction for meet with HIM and Tavastia concert on December 31st 2009 !!!!
So, if you have enough money, now you can buy meet with Ville.
Current price is (for concert ticket, return fly-ticket to Finland and two days accommodation in Helsinki for 1 person) on 500 $!!!
and still 19 days left for bidding...
more infos at charitybuzz
HIM announce UK tour !!!
Finnish goth metallers HIM will return to the UK for a headline tour next March Kerrang! can exclusively reveal.
dates are as follows:
13 Norwich, UEA
14 Manchester, Academy
15 Edinburgh, Picture House
16 Newcastle, Academy
18 Bournemouth, Academy
19 Birmingham, Academy
20 Nottingham, Rock City
soure: kerrang
dates are as follows:
13 Norwich, UEA
14 Manchester, Academy
15 Edinburgh, Picture House
16 Newcastle, Academy
18 Bournemouth, Academy
19 Birmingham, Academy
20 Nottingham, Rock City
soure: kerrang
Ville Valo about Screamworks album!
Just few days I was disconnected and here we are!!
source: heartagram
more later :)
source: heartagram
more later :)
HIM night again

today at EuroRock Radio
This time without Ville interview :( but we will find out who is the winner of two Helldone tickets for this year show!
more at eurorock radio page
This time without Ville interview :( but we will find out who is the winner of two Helldone tickets for this year show!
more at eurorock radio page
Vote for HIM, vote for Ville Valo :)
The fifth Finnish Metal Awards gala will reward the best in Finnish metal in conjunction with the Helsinki Metal Meeting, on February 20th, 2010.
The elite on Finnish metal artists will be awarded in seven different categories, and as it should be, the decision belongs the to the metal devouring public, Finnish and international.
You can vote at imperiumi
The site is in finnish but you don't need to understand the intro text, just fill in the blanks on the voting form....
And REMEMBER it is the FINNISH metal awards, only Finnish artists/bands and their achievements during the year 2009 are eligible in the voting!!!
The voting closes January 31st, 2010 at 23:59 Finnish time.
Piaty ročník Finnish Metal Awards bude udelovaní v spojení s Helsinki Metal Meeting, 20. februára 2010.
Ocenenia pre elitu fínskeho metalu budú udelované v siedmych rôznych kategóriách a tak ako by to malo byť, rozhodnutie je na metalu chtivej verejnosti, fínskej aj medzinárodnej.
Hlasovať môžete na imperiumi
Stránka je vo fínskom jazyku, ale nepotrebujete rozumieť úvodnému textu, stačí len jednoducho vyplniť polia hlasovacieho formuláru...
A POZOR, je to FINNISH metal awards, takže je možné hlasovať len za fínskych interprétov/skupiny a ich úspechy počas roku 2009!!!
Hlasovanie končí 31. januára 2010, 23:59 fínskeho času (pre SR je to 22:59 :)
source metalfromfinland
The elite on Finnish metal artists will be awarded in seven different categories, and as it should be, the decision belongs the to the metal devouring public, Finnish and international.
You can vote at imperiumi
The site is in finnish but you don't need to understand the intro text, just fill in the blanks on the voting form....
And REMEMBER it is the FINNISH metal awards, only Finnish artists/bands and their achievements during the year 2009 are eligible in the voting!!!
The voting closes January 31st, 2010 at 23:59 Finnish time.
Piaty ročník Finnish Metal Awards bude udelovaní v spojení s Helsinki Metal Meeting, 20. februára 2010.
Ocenenia pre elitu fínskeho metalu budú udelované v siedmych rôznych kategóriách a tak ako by to malo byť, rozhodnutie je na metalu chtivej verejnosti, fínskej aj medzinárodnej.
Hlasovať môžete na imperiumi
Stránka je vo fínskom jazyku, ale nepotrebujete rozumieť úvodnému textu, stačí len jednoducho vyplniť polia hlasovacieho formuláru...
A POZOR, je to FINNISH metal awards, takže je možné hlasovať len za fínskych interprétov/skupiny a ich úspechy počas roku 2009!!!
Hlasovanie končí 31. januára 2010, 23:59 fínskeho času (pre SR je to 22:59 :)
source metalfromfinland
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