
"Like" Daniel Lioneye FB if you want them to tour

HIM guitarist Linde by Marianna MihalkinovaWe all craving for HIM to make European tour, but also there are lot of fans which want to see Daniel Lioneye to make one. And there is still way how to help Linde.

Just "like" Daniel Lioneye facebook page,
and if he gets 15 000 people to do so, they will get support make tour. Then we can just believe it won't be only US tour...
So please do not wait and also invite your friends :)

Všetci túžime po tom aby HIM spravili európske turné, ale je taktiež veľa fanúšikov ktorí chcú turné Daniel Lioneye. A ešte stále existuje spôsob ako v tom Linde pomôcť.

Jednoducho dajte "like" Daniel Lioneye facebook stránke,
pokiaľ dosiahne 15000 fanúšikov, bude mať podporu turné uskutočniť. A potom už len môžeme veriť že sa nebude jednať len o americké turné...

photo: © 2010 Marianna Mihalkinova


Thunderstorm hits Sonisphere festival

A severe thunderstorm hit Sonisphere Festival in Pori, Finland this afternoon at approx. 16.00. Strong gusts of freak wind damaged the stages and knocked down tents and fences. Approx. 40 people were injured, two of them seriously so. The injured people are currently receiving treatment in hospital.

Taken from official Sonisphere web

Gas's wife wrote through her twitter that she was almost injured but, thanks God, run from stage in time. I really hope no one else from HIM members, crew and their families were in danger.
My sympathy to all there, cross fingers no one else is seriously injured.

Počas dnešného poobedia zasiahla festival Sonisphere v Pori silná búrka. Nápory vetra zničili pódium a strhli stany a prístrešky. Približne 40 ľudí bolo zranených, dvaja závažne. Zranení boli prevezení do nemocnice.

Prevzaté z oficiálnych stránok Sonisphere

Manželka Gasa cez jej twitter napísala že sa takmer zranila, ale našťastie stihla včas z pódia ujsť. Verím, že nikto iný z členov HIM, crew a ich rodín nebol v ohrození.
Spolucítim so všetkými čo sú tam a držím palce aby už nikto iný závažne ranený nebol.

HIM at Sonisphere festival, Pori 2010

HIM at Sonisphere festivalYesterday HIM played at legendary Sonisphere festival in Pori, Finland. It looks that Ville was/is ill but as fans have reported, the gig was great and guys were in good mood.
But today something happened there, do not know more information yet, but storm hit the area and demolished stage. I really believe guys are already safe back home. And of course that it is not so bad as it was at one festival here in Slovakia year ago...

HIM včera odohrali koncert na legendárnom festivale Sonisphere v Pori, vo Fínsku. Vyzerá to tak že Ville je/bol chorý ale ako fanúšikovia referovali, koncert bol skvelý a chalani mali dobrú náladu.
Dnes sa ale niečo stalo, neviem zatiaľ viac informácií ale tú oblasť vraj zasiahla búrka a zdemolovala pódium. Skutočne dúfam že chalani sú už bezpečne doma. A samozrejme verím že to nie je tak vážne ako to bolo na festivale Pohoda pred rokom tu...
HIM at Sonisphere festival in Pori
Photos posted here are screenshots from 360 degree camera at virtual Finland webpage