
Thunderstorm hits Sonisphere festival

A severe thunderstorm hit Sonisphere Festival in Pori, Finland this afternoon at approx. 16.00. Strong gusts of freak wind damaged the stages and knocked down tents and fences. Approx. 40 people were injured, two of them seriously so. The injured people are currently receiving treatment in hospital.

Taken from official Sonisphere web

Gas's wife wrote through her twitter that she was almost injured but, thanks God, run from stage in time. I really hope no one else from HIM members, crew and their families were in danger.
My sympathy to all there, cross fingers no one else is seriously injured.

Počas dnešného poobedia zasiahla festival Sonisphere v Pori silná búrka. Nápory vetra zničili pódium a strhli stany a prístrešky. Približne 40 ľudí bolo zranených, dvaja závažne. Zranení boli prevezení do nemocnice.

Prevzaté z oficiálnych stránok Sonisphere

Manželka Gasa cez jej twitter napísala že sa takmer zranila, ale našťastie stihla včas z pódia ujsť. Verím, že nikto iný z členov HIM, crew a ich rodín nebol v ohrození.
Spolucítim so všetkými čo sú tam a držím palce aby už nikto iný závažne ranený nebol.

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